Dunkerley Dialogues » Viye Diba, Nous sommes nombreux et nos problmes avec [We are numerous and our problems, too], 2008 Whiting Tennis, Coulda-Shoulda-Woulda, 2009, Mixed Media, 44 x 73 x 5 inches Kiki Smith, Untitled (Calling), 2000, Chromogenic color print, 13 1/4 x 19 1/4 inches, Ed. of 3, Courtesy of the artist and Pace/MacGill Gallery Kiki Smith, Untitled (Head of Kuan Yin), 2002, Chromogenic color print, 16 x 20 inches, Courtesy of the artist and Pace/MacGill Gallery Lara Baladi, Hope, 2010, Artistʼs book and CD, Courtesy of the artist, in collaboration with Tang Museum and Rautenstrauch Joest Museum of Ethnography, Cologne, Germany. M. Georgia Hegarty Dunkerley series » Flatbed Press at 25 by Mark Lesly Smith and Katherine Brimberry Gael Stack by Gael Stack, Raphael Rubinstein and Alison de Lima Greene Vernon Fisher by Vernon Fisher Terry Allen by Terry Allen Melissa Miller by Melissa Miller and MIchael Duncan